Monday, 31 March 2014

Kristian Student learning

Here we have a student who is practising hos driving skills on a forklift. The practice exercise is that he has to unload a rack and load it over to a simulated truck on the other side. And safety is always important for us, you really have to work with your head and look around you before you reverse and drive around.


  1. Hello Kristian. As you know there is a Swedish law regarding fork lifts. Do the teachers have the right education for this area?

    1. Hello Olof. What does the law say? Im sure that my colleague is a licensed forklift instructor. But tell me about the law i don't know what the it says!

  2. Hello Kristian
    There is a bunch of ruls regarding work environmental wich also include students. But regarding Fork lifts the most important is that the instructor has as much competence that he or she understand the risks. If a accident occur this is what cind of skill the teacher have and what cind of ruels the school apply regarding who and when the forklift is alloued to drive and under what cind of circumstances. There is also a roul that says that the driver must hav premission and the teacher that gives that must have done a judgement so he is secure that the person that drive the fork lift is a good driver and is reliable. Othervise the instructor must have control over the situation and decide whetehr or not give that permission///Olof

    1. Thanks Olof,

      Yes i feel secure, we are absolutely following the rules.
