Monday 31 March 2014

Kristian Student reversing 24 meter truck & trailer

In this moment we can see reversing exercise, it is very important that you learn good skills of handling the truck in revers, so IF you drive in to a wrong place, you can always take your way out of there. if you haven't notes the trailer in this pic, look in the mirror ;-)


  1. Hello Kristian.
    How is the interest in education among girls in the catchment? I can see that there are many women who run the truck today compared to a few years ago.

    1. Hello Henric, Yeas the interest has increased! in my class we have 5 girls of 19 students. And next year we have 6 of 19, and after that we will have 8 of 19! so its really fun that the girls are entering! i think it gives more harmony at the working places and many new ideas! If you know any girl who is are curious of driving a lorry! tell her that its absolutely a job for everybody with a interest of heavy trucks.

  2. Hi Kristian, is 19 about the number you have in each class? Would you have anymore?

    1. Hi Kristian,

      Further to Catherine's question, what would the ideal number of students be in your class?

    2. Hi Catherine & George,

      Yes we have 19 in my class, and we are 2 teachers with the class, one is out and practice driving with one at the time, and one is in the class room teaching.

      I think that 19 is a good number of a class, its hard for me to tell what the ideal number is, because i have been teaching for a year.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How many do you think start working as truck drivers after graduation?

    1. Of 16 of 19 students have there first job as Truckers this summer. The others has jobs but in other industries.
