Monday, 7 April 2014

This first photo is "my" local for education

This photo is the main entrance to the school. The schoolyard

In this station we do some practice work with fluids. Measuring presure, over different valvs and pipes.

This is an heatexchanger where the main thing is to
 understand how all valvs should be for different ways depending of wich exchanger 
that should be running

In this equipment we investigate different types of filter and how they
must be controlled by, fore example, pressure

We also investigate different types of valves

Sorry! This photois not standing. But here we practice destilation

Here is ouer steem generator. Almost all industries have som kind of 
needs for generating heat. Thats why we also is learning of this equipment and 
also how to generate pure water, wich is needed for the equipment.

We also have an extruder. That type that one need when making 
plasitc products

We also do some studying!!! This is the class room, next to the equipment

The steem generator again but you also see the glass equipment to the left. 
There we can do some chemical reactions

Also in thise glass equipment we do some chemical experiment. mainly extractions

And off cuorse som studies


  1. How is the relationship with the industry where the students do there praktikal visit?

    1. The relations between industry and school is werry good. We have regulary meetings where we discuss the education and other practical things.

    2. Do you have a specific person employed to facilitate and take care of the meetings and the contacts?

    3. The people from industry who we meet is persons that is intrested in the vocational education and is selected from the industry. They are egaged in the students and also in the companys new employers

  2. Hello Olaf

    Is this where you are teaching?


    1. Hello again Susanne. Yes here is my school and it is located in Stenungsund, about fifty kilometers north of Gotenburg. I also meet the students uot in the industries when they are there.

  3. Hello Olaf

    I have just realised that there is only one area for comments, so my comment above is related to the first photo.

    What is it that you teach?

    Who are your students?

  4. Hello Susanne, My students are mailly boys, but also some girls, that will become process tecnicans who will operate in the petrochemical industries. They will be able to manage and control the process.

  5. How many is it that takes the student and get jobs after graduation?

  6. Hello Tommy, Almost every one who take the exam have also, at least, a job over the summer. Then it depends if the company have needs for more workers. But now days the industry is in a period where many of the employes is going to retierd so those who want a job and do they job properly is also offered a job-

  7. So your industrial technical VET programme is a good chance for students to get employment and keep up with their VET skills they learned in upper secondary school. How many graduate per year at your school?

    1. Hello Ingrid
      Until now the program was organised as a program where a class about tventy students started and got the first two years in school. Then they get they practice at som of the industry in Stenungsund. The practice started with circulation between laboratory, instrumental and process after wich they could select a direction. So they who become processstudents usualy is eight to ten. At the new three years plan they already at the begining select their direction and will become 18-20 students. This is a huge problem depending of lack of time for the students. Also the time they practicing has been reduced from one year to the half wich is a problem for the industry. The students have to have one year to learn as much that they need to become a holiday job

  8. Hello Olof, how is the environment in the classroom when you have the workshop very close?

    1. Hello Kristian
      The working environment in the classroom is good. We do not have any combustion in the classroom. The steemgenerator is electrical and also the other equipment. The worst thing is the heat in summer, but as you can see at the photo we got big doors that I use to open early in the morning when I see the sun rising.

  9. Hello Olof.
    How many equivalent training places are there in Sweden?

  10. Hello Henric. In Stenungsund we have five company that support us with places for the students. This company have about two to four areas that have an area wich is supported of tre to twenty persons that control the area. In addition they are working constant, wich means that they are working am, pm and night. That means that there are at least five groups of employes from tre to twenthy people that serve an can take a student. In addition we have a companyes in Gotenburg and of cuorse the nuclear industry as Ringhals. We also have lot of companyies who is depending of this type of educated persons. Controling every industry and so forth///Olof

  11. Hello Olof, I just love your workshop, I could walk a million miles for a visit! :D Do you think that you have just the equipment you need for your courses, and that it is updated enough, or do you have wishes, or maybe plans, for other equipment?

    1. Hello Vanja
      Glad to hear that you are overwelming over the workshop. Unfortnatly I am not. The equipment is old and could be good for those who shold be maintianence but is not that good for controling an chemical industry. Therfor I have bought a new thing that we will take in practice next year. I also have a plan to invest in more equipment to built a education that will become more relevant for the job.
      But I also realise that the yong students wery often do not have the same experiment to repair things that people in my age. Therfore It maybe is relevant to first of all start with learning to, and see the simple equipment.

  12. How do the students the exercises, do they have to be done in a certain sequence or are they determine them yourself?

  13. Hello Tommy
    The students do some exercices in addition to the theory. The exercice are from simple mechanical examinations of pumps, kompressors, steamgenerators to do some destilations and more komplicated exercises. Often they got a manual from wich they can read and, hopfuly, understand what to do. Otthervise they come to me and I explain a bit futher. Therfore I also understand how much they understand out of the manual and thats a criteria for the final diploma (E-A).
